The U.S. Still Ignores!

Every year, ever since the saddest chapter, from the history of our own nation, the terrorism of September 11th, 2001, 18 in years past, we spending some time, considering those lost, on that date, or shortly thereafter, on account of these atrocities, and proclaim, Never Again! Wouldn’t it be nice, when we learned lessons, and applied them, to cooking us, the world, most of us deserve and seek? We were attacked by these terrorists, to large degree, because, in our national resolve for the rights, liberties, and justice, guaranteed through the U.S. Constitution, but, inside famous words, because of the late, George Carlin, after we fail to complete, all you can, to defend these, and compromise, at all, then, The terrorists win! With that in mind, this article attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 things, we have to, do all you can, to shield and preserve, after we are to take care of, why are America great.

1. Protect all of our freedoms: There is no place, for blame – and – complain, sorts of behavior, and looking to divide the continent, by irresistible to certain people’s fears, distrust, xenophobia, bigotry, and prejudice, rather than seeking a celebration – of – the – minds, for that common good! If we don’t demand better, and proactively, protect the whole freedoms, for many, whether we trust them, you aren’t, America loses, along with the terrorists win, given that they will have disrupted, how we live!

2. Meeting with the minds, to the common good: Donald Trump was elected President, in 2016, largely because, he drawn the fears, hatred, bigotry, prejudice, etc, of your certain element of American society! Many believe, we’re undergoing, a degree of polarization, we have now never witnessed, before, from the recent memory, in our country. We must understand, so many people are entitled to their opinion, and freedom of speech/ expression, whether we agree or you cannot. We must be ready to voice our disagreement, while protecting the rights of others, to state, theirs!

3. Terrorism, from the inside: Although, we’ve got to all, take our shoes off, after we board a jet, on account of one prevented, terrorist act, we continue witnessing, mass shootings, with an unheard – of, frequency, and, the US Senate, and President Trump, appear, to try and do all they’re able to, to adopt no true, viable, effective measures, to lessen these! This President condemns those he disagrees with, from the strongest terms, calling them names, etc, while discussing White Nationalists, as having a lot of people, who, have become fine people. What happened on the words, for the Statue of Liberty, when we have been taking actions, to refuse, those, that are neediest, such as post – hurricane, Bahamians, and, those fleeing persecution, asylum, as we’ve always, done, from the past? This isn’t normal!

4. 2nd Amendment – the false narrative!: The 2nd Amendment, states, and protects, our directly to bear arms, but, does so, when it comes to, the proper of states to take care of a militia! It does not provide unlimited gun ownership rights, because our Founding Fathers, could never, have visualized, today’s weapons! Shouldn’t the most beneficial interests of all citizens, take priority of anything? We license drivers and cars, but, it appears to be, don’t consider sane gun control measures, laws, and ideas!

5. Inclusiveness trumps xenophobia: When did the concept on the U.S., as being a Melting Pot, turn into a lost ideal, and replaced by unreasonable, xenophobia? If we hope to keep up, why is us, the voice for human rights, etc, inside world, we need to proceed, within a balanced, sane way, towards meaningful, inclusiveness!

If we want to ensure, the terrorists lose, we should do all we can easily, to shield, those liberties, freedoms, rights, and justice, that, truly, make America great! Will you demand better, from those you elect, within the future?

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